COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Work From Home Directive

As A business Leader, here is what you need to know.

Feel free to download our guide for full details, if you would like help in this process contact us by filling out the form to the right, email or by calling today.

If you are looking for residential internet service to facilitate working from home, you should visit this site.

More Information Request Form

Please provide the following information and we will contact you ASAP regarding your request.

Company Address


* Please Note: We do not sell your contact information to any organization

Selected blog posts

Urgent Need Broadband
Urgent Need Broadband
Do you have an urgent need for broadband service? Starting a new office overnight, supporting a work-at-home initiative, changing carriers? We can get you setup in as little as 2 days with up to 50mbs bandwidth with a simple portable device in most US locations including Indianola, Nebraska. Call or contact us for more information or to order this service.
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Startup Companies - Save Time and Money on IT
Starting a business is a monumental task. There are hundreds if not thousands of things to focus upon to get your business off the ground. Some of those tasks might include finding supplier in Indianola, Nebraska and reaching ...
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Mobility Save 20%-40%
Mobility Save 20%-40%
Cut your Mobility Spend Risk Free by 20%-40% with no change in providers.

Do you know that even if you get the best mobile device rate from a provider, you are still overpaying for the service? This is because of the plan each line is assigned. What if you could change that plan daily to the best plan based upon forecast usage? Do you know you could typically save 20% -> 40% a month without changing your service providers or any out of pocket expanse... This would be a lot of work, unless...

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1/5/10/100 Gigabit Service
1/5/10/100 Gigabit Service
A Fiber business class internet service of up to 100 Gigabits of data per second. Your business could take advantage of these faster speeds. This service could be available in Indianola, Nebraska to give your ...
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