Help Wanted as of November 2024.

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Selected blog posts

COVID19 Forgivable Business Loans
Due to the COVID19 shutdowns and stay at home orders, businesses maybe able to get forgivable loans from the SBA to cover payroll, rent, and utilities. This will help maintain your business during the down time and be able to start up again with your current employees as we move into a recovery phase.
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VOIP Service
Replace your phone system! VOIP: Voice Over IP service, create your own local system or join the millions of other who have moved that service to the cloud. This reduces your local support costs and helps integrate multiple sites with a more comprehensive solution.
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UCaaS - Unified Communications as a Service
There are a number of key advantages to using a Hosted PBX versus traditional telephone service or purchasing an office telephone system. Whether you are seeking a hosted VoIP system, a Unified Communications (UC) solution, or a team collaboration software or app, today's cloud...
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LTE Broadband 2 Day Install
LTE Broadband 2 Day Install

Urgent need for Broadband for your business of home office?

Can't wait for your fiber or cable service to be installed which can take months?

We are proud to now offer a LTE solution of unlimited data and managed out of the box broadband service of up to 50Mx50M in Redding, Iowa. This service is designed to make sure you don't get surprised with incredibly high bills. There are metered services as well with bandwidth pooling across the account. This is a great product and can be shipped to you within 2 days and you are up and running. Contact us for more information...
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